Post-doc at the University of Lausanne

Understanding better the role of fire in African biodiversity hotspots 


invited talk at La Maison de la Télédétection - IRD 

I was kindly invited to participate in a seminar at IRD-Montpellier, where I had the opportunity to make a presentation titled "Applying Fire Science to Sustainable Development in African Biodiversity Hotspots." This presentation showed the work we are doing as part of two projects in Southeast Africa.

It was also a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and meet new colleagues from the research groups Espace-Dev and Tetis, who are working on land cover change in tropical regions. I hope to return soon!

teaching project in Antananarivo

As part of my teaching collaboration at the University of Antananarivo, I will undertake a highly ambitious project with Master's students. Our goal is to teach and enhance students' knowledge and skills in academic writing through a collaborative effort.

Together, we will conduct a comparative study on perceptions of landscape fires between urban and rural areas. The aim is to explore and analyze the differences in how these fires are perceived by residents in different settings, and to publish together a scientific work.

reconstructing burned area data

Burned area (BA) data obtained from satellite observations are often significantly underestimated when calculated using coarse-resolution sensors. In our study, we stated the hypothesis that these underestimations are predictable and can be corrected. Through the validation of our results across different time periods and geographical locations, we were able to confirm our hypothesis. Consequently, we provided a valuable tool for refining historical BA data and identifying the primary sources of error in BA detection across sub-Saharan Africa.

As a case study, we applied our methodology to correct the BA estimations for Madagascar. Our model yielded BA values that were more than three times higher than those reported by MODIS. 

discovering local perceptions about fire - mozambique

In Mozambique, fires are less frequent compared to Madagascar. However, the main motivations behind fire usage remain similar, except for certain purposes such as maintaining a safe environment free of cobras. We anticipate that the upcoming analyses of our interviews and participatory GIS workshops will offer additional insights.

During our interactions with local communities, there is always an opportunity to address other topics. In the picture, we captured some of the reactions elicited while discussing our cultural disparities regarding natality.

invited talk at the university eduardo mondlane - Mozambique

During our field campaign in Mozambique, my colleagues from ESNEC (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) invited me to give a talk at their institution. The purpose was to explain the typical work of a researcher while introducing myself, and to present the SNIS project, and first project advances. 

The presentation sparked engaging discussions and prompted numerous questions from the audience, comprising both students and lecturers.

working in one of the most amazing burn experiments - South africa

Systematic experimental burns have been applied in Kruger National Park since the 1950s to understand the ecological role of fire and its impact on biodiversity. This experiment provides a unique opportunity for research in the field of fire ecology. Our team worked there from March to April 2023, despite the risks of being accompanied by thousands of wild animals.

In the picture, I am seen discussing the experimental burns with a SANParks guard who supervises the burning process in Skukuza.


2022:   First large international project as principal member

2022:   Foundation of Gotas de Luz NGO

2021:  Senior post-doc at the University of Lausanne

2019: Junior post-doc at the University of León

2019: I met Cintia, my life partner

2019: PhD at the University of León. Best Thesis Award.

2018: Research stay at the Northern Arizona University

2018: First research article in a top international journal

2016: Research stay at the Michigan State University

2016: Research stay at the University of California-Davis

2015: Prestigious FPU predoctoral fellowship

2014: MSc in Natural Hazards at the University of León

2013: BSc in Environmental Science at the University of León

At my current hosting institution
With my PhD supervisors Dr. Calvo and Dr. Marcos
Dendrochronology at the RMES Fort Valley Experimental Forest